Transcriptome output

Since the last post I have re-run the assembly with both paired and unpaired trimmed sequences. My new transcriptome is not very different in size but I am yet to determine if there are other variations for downstream analysis.

To obtain some statistics of the trinity output you can use the N50 check.

#Run N50 script
/usr/local/trinity/2.1.1/util/ AP.fasta

with an output like this:

## Counts of transcripts, etc.
Total trinity ‘genes’: 67231
Total trinity transcripts: 82911
Percent GC: 45.44

Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:

Contig N10: 3700
Contig N20: 2863
Contig N30: 2350
Contig N40: 1979
Contig N50: 1654

Median contig length: 585
Average contig: 983.42
Total assembled bases: 81535957
## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per ‘GENE’:

Contig N10: 3463
Contig N20: 2612
Contig N30: 2127
Contig N40: 1758
Contig N50: 1408

Median contig length: 476
Average contig: 834.77
Total assembled bases: 56122482

Compared to previous assembly:

## Counts of transcripts, etc.
Total trinity ‘genes’: 67123
Total trinity transcripts: 82776
Percent GC: 45.44

Stats based on ALL transcript contigs:

Contig N10: 3687
Contig N20: 2864
Contig N30: 2350
Contig N40: 1978
Contig N50: 1652

Median contig length: 586
Average contig: 983.62
Total assembled bases: 81419959
## Stats based on ONLY LONGEST ISOFORM per ‘GENE’:

Contig N10: 3456
Contig N20: 2612
Contig N30: 2126
Contig N40: 1757
Contig N50: 1407

Median contig length: 476
Average contig: 834.73
Total assembled bases: 56029878



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